Fasting Blood Tests


A frequent question we receive is whether or not a patient needs to be fasting prior to their blood draw. The best answer to this is to thoroughly look over your requisition or call your healthcare provider and check with them, as their opinion can vary greatly, even on the same test. If your provider asks you to fast, make sure you do not eat for 10 hours! You may drink water, and it is highly recommended that you do, as hydrated veins are much easier to draw from. Some doctors may permit you to drink black coffee or tea, but it is always safer to forgo them if you are uncertain. Many will let you take your prescriptions while fasting, unless they otherwise direct you. Please call them to confirm.

Some common fasting tests you may need to call your provider about include:

  • Glucose

  • Lipid Panel

  • Cholesterol

  • Triglycerides

  • Metabolic Panel, Basic and Comprehensive